Make a Difference in Our Community


Membership and Donations

Our new members, supporting members, and contributing donation providers are extremely important to us. Without you, we would not be able to provide voter education and non-partisan programming for our community of Linn County.

You can make all the difference. Donate or join us in Membership today.



Our affordable membership allows for easy application. Join us to help make a difference in the community. In addition, our donation section below accepts denominations in the amount of $1.00 or greater.

Become a Member Today!

In the drop-down menu below choose the demographic which suits you best.

Would you like to Renew Membership? This is the place!


Donations are accepted in denominations of any amount of $1.00 or greater.

Membership and Donations are processed through PayPal. We will also accept checks with your name, contact, and email address information sent to our address: League of Women Voters Of Linn County, P.O. Box 2422, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406



That sensible, responsible civil discourse and action based on substance rather than partisanship are essential for civic improvement. We believe that with leaders like you, we can make democracy work.



  • Acting as a force to create positive, lasting change in our communities, empowering millions of voters to protect their right to vote and to have that vote count

  •  Bridging the partisan divide by fostering civil discourse on topics of community interest

  • Educating citizens and fostering dialogue on important issues - from healthcare and climate change to immigration and affordable housing

  • Advocating for positive change at the local, state, and national levels on issues that impact all of us, such as land use, education reform, government transparency, and accountability.

  • Established in 1920, the League of Women Voters is not only a county organization in Linn County, it also reaches across Iowa, and is Nationwide. As a strong nationally supported organization, its network supports voters’ rights and women.